Introduction Video

Introduction Podcast


Welcome to my Media Portfolio Blog!

On here you will find that I have demonstrated a log and journey of the progress through my coursework of both the School and Music magazines.
I have established a focus group to enable me to gain a variety of opinions and suggestions. This will act as part of my research and will allow me to assess exactly what the audience will require in a magazine.
As I proceed through the tasks, I hope to overcome and resolve any issues or barriers that I may face.
As an outcome and end result of my work, I hope to create successful and presentable magazines that will appeal to my audiences.
During my objectives I plan to study deeper into the connotations and denotations of magazines and expand on my current knowledge that I have previously gained. This will develop my understanding of how a successful magazine is constructed and distributed.

To guide yourself around my blog, there are key links to the right of the page that will open features of my work.
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